
Should You Foam Roll a Pulled Muscle?
Written by Nic Bartolotta Nic Bartolotta is a physical therapist and holistic health practitioner. He holds a Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) degree from Cal State University - Long Beach...
Should You Foam Roll a Pulled Muscle?
Written by Nic Bartolotta Nic Bartolotta is a physical therapist and holistic health practitioner. He holds a Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) degree from Cal State University - Long Beach...

5 Benefits of Foam Rolling That Make it Impossi...
Written by Nic Bartolotta Walk into any sporting event, training room, or local gym. You'll see people rolling around the floor on foam rollers. You've probably even tried it yourself....
5 Benefits of Foam Rolling That Make it Impossi...
Written by Nic Bartolotta Walk into any sporting event, training room, or local gym. You'll see people rolling around the floor on foam rollers. You've probably even tried it yourself....

When to Foam Roll: Before or After Your Workout?
Written by Nic Bartolotta Nic Bartolotta is a physical therapist and holistic health practitioner. He holds a Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) degree from Cal State University - Long Beach...
When to Foam Roll: Before or After Your Workout?
Written by Nic Bartolotta Nic Bartolotta is a physical therapist and holistic health practitioner. He holds a Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) degree from Cal State University - Long Beach...

Tibial Stress Fractures from Running: A Guide t...
Written by Nic Bartolotta Nic Bartolotta is a physical therapist and holistic health practitioner. He holds a Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) degree from Cal State University - Long Beach...
Tibial Stress Fractures from Running: A Guide t...
Written by Nic Bartolotta Nic Bartolotta is a physical therapist and holistic health practitioner. He holds a Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) degree from Cal State University - Long Beach...

The Golfer's Guide to Lower Back Pain: Symptoms...
Tired of dealing with nagging lower back pain every time you swing your clubs? Find out how your symptoms stack up, what exactly is causing your pain, and how to...
The Golfer's Guide to Lower Back Pain: Symptoms...
Tired of dealing with nagging lower back pain every time you swing your clubs? Find out how your symptoms stack up, what exactly is causing your pain, and how to...

Muscle Fatigue from Cycling
Muscle Fatigue from Cycling People have been using bicycles as a means for transportation, exercise or recreation for years. Whether you like to ride your bike down to the coffee...
Muscle Fatigue from Cycling
Muscle Fatigue from Cycling People have been using bicycles as a means for transportation, exercise or recreation for years. Whether you like to ride your bike down to the coffee...